Welcome to the official website of MJB Pharma

Jl. Raya Babatan Km 4
Desa Bakalan, Kec. Purwosari
Kab. Pasuruan 67162
East Java – Indonesia

+ 62 343 611 678
+ 62 343 611 673
+ 62 343 611 669

first export to cambodia - 21 may 2019

MJB Pharma's Export License to Cambodia

MJB Pharma's Export License to Cambodia

MJB's first batch of export to Cambodia after getting our Export License
Ekspor perdana MJB sesudah menerima Ijin Edar untuk Cambodia

MJB Pharma's 1st Export to Cambodia - 21 May 2019

MJB Pharma's 1st Export to Cambodia - 21 May 2019

MJB's first Cambodia batch in 40 ft container attended by commissary and shareholders
Export Perdana ke Cambodia 40 ft container dihadiri oleh komisaris dan pemegang saham

sales progress

MJB 2018 Sales Growth is at 53%

Sales Progress April 2019 year-to-date vs April 2018 year-to-date growing 50% as e-catalog price went up by 6.7% as per April 25, 2019
Pertumbuhan Penjualan bulan April 2019 year-to-date naik sebesar 50% dibandingkan dengan April 2018 year-to-date karena harga e-catalog naik 6.7% per April 25, 2019

BPOM (Indonesia Food and Drugs Association) has licensed
the product distribution of PT Berno's sister company PT Natura

BPOM telah menerbitkan Ijin Edar produk sister company PT Berno yaitu PT Natura

MJB 2018 Sales Growth is at 53%

MJB 2018 Sales Growth is at 53%


Visit from BNI Executives as MJB's new partner who would support all MJB upcoming projects

Visit from BNI Executives as MJB's new partner who would support all MJB upcoming projects
Kunjungan eksekutif BNI sebagai partner baru MJB yang akan mensupport semua proyek MJB

SOCIAL agenda

MJB's participation in the Jayapura flood disaster relief program

MJB's participation in the Jayapura flood disaster relieve program
Turut berpartisipasi mengatasi bencana alam banjir bandang di Jayapura

Routine breakfasting event for all MJB Pharma staff and employees

Routine breakfasting event for all MJB Pharma staff and employees
Acara rutin buka puasa bersama seluruh staf dan karyawan MJB Pharma

factory expansion

MJB's 3rd Expansion, the second warehouse has reached 60% completion

MJB's 3rd Expansion, the second warehouse has reached 60% completion
Ekspansi ketiga MJB yaitu pembangunan gudang kedua telah mencapai 60%

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